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Xgl with GNOME, under Ubuntu Dapper Drake

Posted by isilanes on October 1, 2006

OMG!! Xgl is so pretty!!

First things first, I have to say how I’ve made it run. I say in a previous post (that I actually wrote some minutes ago), that I have given a try to Ubuntu, to test how good that Xgl thing is. And man is it good!

Xgl is a graphics server, something that interprets data and displays it on the screen (as XFree86 and X.org). It basically allows for 2D effects of a Desktop Environment to be rendered with the powerfull engine of the Graphical Card, which untill now only accelerated the 3D effects, as e.g. games. However, one needs a window manager that takes advantage of these capabilities to create effects. The first such a wm was Compiz. Sadly, I was not able to install it, but I did install Beryl, which is a fork of Compiz.

I mostly followed the instructions in Fred.cpp’s blog[es].

It basically boils down to:

As root, or with the infamous sudo:

aptitude remove compiz compiz-gnome cgwd cgwd-themes xserver-xgl csm

Add to /etc/apt/sources.list (the last line only if you have a 64-bit CPU):

deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ dapper main
deb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main
deb-src http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main
deb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main main-amd64

Get the GPG keys for the repositories:

wget http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -


aptitude update && aptitude upgrade

Install Xgl, Beryl and Emerald (the theme manager for Beryl):

aptitude install xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 beryl beryl-core beryl-manager beryl-plugins beryl-plugins-data beryl-settings emerald emerald-themes

Now everything is installed, we need to create 2 files:

/usr/local/bin/startxgl, our startx replacement. Its contents:

Xgl -fullscreen :1 -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:pbuffer & sleep 2 && DISPLAY=:1
# Start GNOME
exec gnome-session

/usr/share/xsessions/gnome-xgl.desktop, a new entry for the GDM session menu. Its contents:

[Desktop Entry]

Then chmod +x them both.

We then need to enter GNOME as a regular user (if we are not already in it), and go to System/Preferences/Sessions/Autostart programs, and add beryl-manager to them. In the next GDM login, we will have an gnome-xgl option for a session. Choose it, and there you are.

Second, the screenshots (click to enlarge):

A window being minimized, fading away.

Two windows being shown as with MacOS exposè.

Two semitransparent windows. You can see my blog through a terminal :^)

A video, being played at the edge of a cube (the faces of which represent different desktops).

A video being played semitransparent. We can see an icon below it!

The video in the corner, plus it is raining all around!

2 Responses to “Xgl with GNOME, under Ubuntu Dapper Drake”

  1. GR33DY said

    This looks supercool, although I’m concerned that my onboard graphics card might not handle it. Any guesses as to minimum specs? Cheers.

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